Trish - Bump

so first, before i push play... i'm thinkin, this vid looks mad sketch. second... who is trish?!! again, maybe i'm late on these artists we're hearing these days... or maybe they just came outta no where, i have no clue.

but uh... the beat is poppin off!!!!!! still don't like the video, but yeah the song isn't too bad. BUT THE BEAT!! don't know why i love it so much. didn't like the part where she was talking... just didn't like it. (0:50 mark). what is the guy at the 2:20 mark doing?! just wondering...

waitttt! is this a home-made video?
if it is, i shouldn't hate that much on it.
if it isn't... oh my bad!! i'm sure someone out there lovessss it!

just my opinions, please form your own.

the end.

