Drake - Forever [Cover]

this lil girl. talent. gorgeous. beautiful hair!! being young, talented, and gorgeous these days is a great thing.

break from studying, or lack thereof. tried to get some pineapple soda a few minutes ago. it took me like 5 minutes to open it because it kept squirting out the cap. i was so irritated! i'm just too tired right now. i swear i can't pull all nighters anymore. i'm gettin old!!!! man, it's gonna be a long day. after class is over [1250] i still gotta meet up with my group to prepare for this project. i've never done this before : but i'm not quite prepared. i usually ALWAYS finish my part of a group project as early as i can because other people are depending on me. but i didn't have enough time. ugh, sucks. gonna go see my sister's keeper tonight. never been more excited to willingly cry my eyes out! but that i WILL. i probably shoulda watched it online first to prepare... but we'll see what happens!

have a great friday yall!

