Don't Text While Driving

this is super sad. not to put a downer on your day or anything, but this is important.
i definitely feel like everyone needs to see it, especially us young people that text sooooo often.
the fact that we're so good at texting (or think we are), we can reply without even looking.
i've texted people that have been driving before. & i admit i've texted while driving before. 
but i'm definitely going to stop.
most times i replied to a silly text. it's never anything crucial.
& if it's something important, you can pull over!!
because what is more important--replying to a text, or my life/other people's lives?
we think we're good enough, we're pros, we won't get in an accident.
but all it takes is one time.
driving is dangerous enough.
i remember reading that it is (or is one of) the most dangerous thing(s) most people do everyday.
act like you care about your life!!

"a senseless text message"


