Life is Unexpected; Unpredictable

you never know what tomorrow brings...
or today for that matter.

ed mcmahon, 86,
farrah fawcett, 62,
& michael jackson, 50.

in all of this, i guess we should all live life to the fullest. i know i have the hardest time doing that, but i can only try.

i think the worst thing you can do when someone passes is talk about anything but the good highlights of their life. SERIOUSLY. where is the love?! and if you don't have anything good to say... don't say anything at all!!!! it's definitely not the right time for that. AT ALL!! & we're all human; we all make mistakes. i say this mainly for MJ. okay, he did some crazy things in his life and what not... but can we not celebrate him right now?! geez!!!! let's honor the man. not bash him. just had to get that out. a death so sudden. really makes me reconsider some things in my life right now. wake up call to live everyday as if it's my last. sad that it took a death to be reminded. RIP.
prayers for jackson's family.

and prayers for fawcett's family.
>>if i could have a story like hers. fought all the way to the end. and what a true love story. i never read much into her story, but wow. o'neal turned down jobs to take care of her and fight for and with her. what a man. i hope one day i find someone that dedicated to me and loves me as much as o'neal loved fawcett. "And now she has peace as she rests with the real angels," Jaclyn Smith said. no more suffering. RIP.

and prayers for mcmahon's family.
>>so i don't know much about mcmahon. i just know i've seen him on so many shows. aw, i wish i knew more. RIP.

