
such a tiring day.
felt like rambling about it.

1st day of training for chili's hostess yesterday. & let me tell you, it was crazy. definitely not what i expected!!  seemed like everything was so unorganized because the girl that was supposed to be training me got pulled away to work, even though it was her day off. the host that was supposed to come in couldn't make it. i had to kinda hang around and try to seat people when i didn't know how the seating chart worked or how the rotation worked. it wasn't a horrible training session, i just expected to be sitting down reading the packet of things i need to do, like she said i would,  not actually doing them. it was just a lil nerve-racking trying to learn everything when i was briefly taught. haha, and i didn't get to do my taste testing!! left there super hungry and drained. BUT i did learn a lot through doing! AND i was clocked in, so i gets monies! :) 2nd day of training today. i'm sure it'll go better! :)

went shopping after training to try to find a red shirt for work. oh em geeeee. it was mad difficult trying to find a nice red shirt! i mean i just wanted a nice button down or something cute but it was wayyy more difficult than i ever imagined. apparently red is just NOT the trendy right now! lots off corals, pinks, grays, blues, purples, etc.. anything but red. i searched in forever21, jcpenney, charlotte russe, macys, aeropostle, american eagle, new york & company, express, and finally found a cheap RED polo at sears. smh, it drove me insane. i don't even like polos but it was an option for work. & it's kinda baggy on me because it's shall we say a more mature woman brand [haha] so it def just looks blah. hey i was desperate. need it to wear to work later today. [honestly, i can't ever find stuff i need when i need it]!! oh and what's up with aero's freakin tiny sizing for polos? i thought i needed a small, as i do in most tops, and i ended up needing a large, except it wasn't really red so i put it down and moved on to a million more stores.

after those two events of the day, i went to a lil chill session at school. ate some veggies and dip, which i effin need in my life because ever since i  helped with fashion week and they had a veggie tray... had a taste and remembered how good that ish is!! won a dvd. it's called the informant--never heard of it in my life. matt damon is in it. it better be good! listened to some karaoke and then i came back to the crib and been chillin ever since.

such a tiring day.

& i've encountered so many crazy/random things i just wouldn't be able list them all.  here's a couple:
  • a lady on the bus... not only did she just have a shirt and tights on, she had a huge butt, and a bigger hole in her tights that showed her white undies... right in the middle. classy!
  • my friends and i were walking and we heard a click-clack, the sound of something dropped on the ground. we turned around and the girl walking behind us on the sidewalk was now sprawled out in the street with her purse multiple feet away from her. how she took that nasty fall, we'll never know.
  • someone told me how they overdosed last night, fell down some stairs, and woke up in the hospital this morning. i didn't know this guy. he was a sweetheart though! i hope he's okay!

& cause it just fits:

hopefully i get a chance to post later. if not, apologies. definitely gonna be at the library all day sunday so i'll post then. hope yall have a beautiful saturday!

i'm so overly tired. goodnight!


