Nardwuar vs. Kid Cudi [Interview]

hahaha, most hilarious kid cudi interview i've seen to date... he was kinda rude but gotta love him.

who is nardwuar?
props to him for researching before he did the interview.

  • "microphone's too close to my mouth"
    >> he wasn't kidding. cause it was.
  • "yeah man, some people do crack"
  • "crispsy space bacon"
  • "ummm, one second, uhhh, this is uh, i gotta dip, i gotta leave"
  • "o-i-uh-are you gonna come back?"
  • "you're not telling me nothing new!"
  • "doot-doola-doot-doo can you say bye bye?"
  • "chill out man"
but i really hope he's not always like this at other interviews!!!

kalil madi is such a cool name!

can't wait til cudder comes out!!

so it's snowing. pretty hardcore for where i'm at in virginia... my dad called me this morning telling me we should leave for tennessee tomorrow instead of sunday. i really doubt that's gonna happen seeing that it's coming down pretty hard right now. i might not be able to leave til monday. cause i feel like by sunday, the roads might be worse with the snow all iced up. bestie left to go back to maryland today so she wouldn't get snowed in. so i'm kinda just here. grrreat.



Unknown said...

'some people say the moon landing was faked'


'yea, well some people do crack'

lol perfect.
