OK Go - WTF?

from what i hear, i like.
[computer keeps freezing].

so it's 4:04AM and i'm supa tired.
been in the library all day again today.
final tomorrow at 830AM.
i'm soooo tempted to take a quick nap.
but last time i tried to do that,
my nap turned into a coma,
& i missed a very important test.
so... i gotta stay up.
til like 3PM.
cause i got another final at 1PM.
but then it'll be all over.

yall know what FINALS stands for right?
Fine, I Never Actually Learned Stuff.
[well... that's the edited/polite version].
hahaha but seriously.
& for teachers that pull that cummulative crap....
what. the. heck?!
i'm sorry, but duh i don't remember!!

well, back to my studies.
i'm no where near ready.
wish me luck!!!!!!!


