
omg you guys. you know i couldn't stay away long! i was having withdrawals, haha. soooo just a lil update that i'm not dead and that i'm def gonna be posting tons of stuff again after i get back to school. no doubt. gimme a couple of days and i'm back. i already have tons of stuff bookmarked so i could post about em later! haha.

guess what?!!? i think i just won some stuff from the main frames [a really cool sunglasses line that i've been meaning to tell you guys about and will] and rojas clothing [cool clothing line]. super hype. even though i can't even wear sunglasses since i'm blind and don't wear contacts but that's besides the point. maybe i'll give em to someone. but yeah, i need to calm down since i'm having issues DMing them my address on twitter. anyways, yup, i was bored and just wanted to share that randomness witcha.

>>>OOOH, reminder for all students, if you were meaning to buy windows 7 at the special student price, you only have a couple more days to do that. the special ends next tuesday [january 5th]. so get that today if you want it. it's only $29.99! get it, here.

yup, that's all i had to say for now.
until next time,
hit me up on twitter. :)


ps. i hope all of you guys have hit up ATE clothing's new website by now. it's officially up and running! [info couple posts below].

aight, i'm out.


mybkexperience said...

I found this on internet and it is really very nice.
An excellent blog.
Great work!
